Zhurong Rover

The News

Under Mars' surface, China's Zhurong rover has discovered proof of two enormous floods that changed the planet's topography.


Zhurong has been investigating Utopia Planitia in Mars' northern hemisphere since May 2021.

Layered patterns beneath the surface were discovered using images from the rover's ground-penetrating radar. These layers are formed of sedimentary rocks that were brought in by two significant floods roughly 1.6 billion years ago.

At May 2021, the Zhurong rover from China touched down in the Utopia Planitia, a basin on Mars with a diameter of 3,300 kilometres (2,000 miles).

Since then, the rover has been utilising its six scientific instruments to investigate the surrounding geology, rock chemistry, and weather patterns.

Zhurong has already finished its 90-sol primary mission. But the rover is still moving south from its landing spot while gathering data.

Source: The Hindu


Posted by V.P.Nimbalkar on 3rd Oct 2022