Improve APMCs, not close them: AIKMS

Why is it in news?
  • The All-India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha (AIKMS) released a document countering the claims of the central government on the three contentious farm laws.
  • AIKMS has accused the government of propagating “falsehood” to claim that the laws would help farmers.
Key points of the document:
  • The farmers had demanded improvement in the functioning of the mandis under the Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act and not freedom from them.
  • The functioning of mandis, supply of fertilizers, electricity and irrigation would not be promoted with the government promoting private companies under the new laws.
  • The government is trying to deny Minimum Support Price at C2+50% in the name of keeping food costs low for the poor people.
  • Giving C2+50% as MSP will not make food costly if input costs are decreased proportionally.
  • The solution to the farmers problems was cheap inputs and cheap loans.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 21st Dec 2020