Female Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

The News

The infant mortality rate (IMR) for females in the nation decreased to match that of males.


India has seen a decrease in the newborn mortality rate for women.

IMR for male babies was still greater in sixteen states than for female kids, but the difference had closed since 2011. Chhattisgarh had the largest discrepancy in 2020, according to the Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2020, with a male baby mortality rate of 35 compared to a female infant mortality rate of 41.

Infant mortality is defined as a child dying before turning one.

The number of newborn deaths for every 1,000 live births is known as the infant mortality rate.

The infant mortality rate is a significant indicator of the general health of a society in addition to providing us with valuable information on maternal and baby health.

Posted by V.P.Nimbalkar on 6th Oct 2022