Rath Yatra to showcase Swachh Bharat Mission in Odisha

Why it is in news?
  • With Odisha placed at the bottom of Individual Household Latrines (IHHL) coverage in the country, the Centre has urged the State government to use the forthcoming Shree Jagannath Rath Yatra festival in Puri as a platform to spread the message on twin-pit toilet access and usage.
About Yatra
  • Utilising the auspicious occasion with the twin-pit toilet usage messaging will go a long way in helping Odisha reach ODF status through behavioural change of millions of rural citizens attending the festivities.
  • Odisha has been the worst performer in executing the SBM in the country. Since October 2, 2014, when the mission was launched, only 38.08 lakh household toilets have been constructed, and IHHL coverage in Odisha has been estimated at 57.82%.
  • Bihar has slightly better coverage than Odisha with 58.9%. As many as 18 States and Union Territories have already achieved 100% coverage. Uttar Pradesh, a bigger State, has achieved 79.14% coverage of households with IHHL.
  • As far as Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages are concerned, Odisha figures among five lowest-performing States. Only 23.42% villages in Odisha have qualified for the ODF tag.
  • While neighbouring Chhattisgarh has already achieved the 100% milestone, only two of Odisha’s 30 districts have been been declared ODF.

The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 9th Jul 2018