Comments Invited for Creation of National Health Stack

Why it is in news?
  • India today is witnessing significant trends in health: increasing prevalence of non communicable diseases for instance, as well as marked demographic shifts. Climbing out of- pocket costs is becoming difficult for most households.

What will be National Health Stack?
  • The National Health Stack (NHS) envisages a centralized health record for all citizens of the country in order to streamline the health information and facilitate effective management of the same.
  • The proposed NHS is an approach to address the challenge and seeks to

employ latest technology including Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence, a state of the art Policy Mark-up Language and create a unified health identity of citizens - as they navigate across services across levels of care, i.e. Primary, Secondaryand Tertiary and also across Public and Private.

What is the need of National Health Stack?
  • To address the health needs of citizens, the Government of India had announced

comprehensive policy response – the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. This flagship health

programme is designed with a powerful yet simple objective in mind: to develop a wellness focused strategy, ensuring cost effective healthcare for all.

  • Achieving such scale requires a rethink the core technology backbone of our system and

leverage cutting edge digital solutions to tackle the challenge.

  • The innovativeness of the proposed National Health Stack design lies in its ability to

leverage a shared public good – a strong digital spine built with a deep understanding of

the incentive structures of the system.

  • Once implemented, the National Health Stack will significantly bring down the costs of health protection, converge disparate systems to ensure a cashless and seamlessly integrated experience for the poorest beneficiaries, and promote wellness across the population.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 8th Jul 2018