Cartosat-3 set to launch on November 25 with 13 U.S. nanosatellites
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- Cartosat-3, an advanced earth imaging and mapping satellite, will be flown on November 25 on the PSLV-C47 vehicle, subject to weather conditions, the space agency announced on Monday.
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- The 1,560 kg satellite will have 13 small U.S. customer satellites riding as secondary passengers. They will be placed in a polar orbit.
- More about Cartosat-3
(1) Cartosat-3, with an ISRO-best resolution of 25 cm, will be the first of a series of high resolution, third generation satellites planned for observing the Earth.
(2) Previously, the Cartosat-2 second generation series offered the best resolution of 65 cm from ISRO.
(3) Cartosat-3, will also have multi-spectral (captures light within specific ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum) and hyperspectral (captures light from across the electromagnetic spectrum) capabilities, will help the military zoom in on enemy hideouts and terror hubs
The Hindu