International News

India ships wheat to Afghanistan via Chabahar

India began shipment of wheat to Afghanistan through the Iranian port of Chabahar.

posted by Jawwad Kazi 30th Oct 2017

India for ‘constructive’ Rohingya policy

Seeking a ‘constructive’ approach to dealing with the exodus of the Rohingya, India said that the displaced members of the community will have to return to their place of origin in the Rakhine province of Myanmar.

posted by Jawwad Kazi 27th Oct 2017

Singapore has the most powerful passport

Tiny Singapore now has the world’s most powerful passport, according to a new ranking, with its citizens able to travel to the greatest number of countries visa free.

posted by Jawwad Kazi 26th Oct 2017

Xi joins the league of Mao and Deng

The Communist Party of China (CPC) bracketed its General Secretary, Xi Jinping with its star icons, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

posted by Jawwad Kazi 25th Oct 2017

Doctors’ participation in executions violates medical ethics: IMA

The participation of doctors in State executions — a hotly debated ethics issue across the world — has now been taken up by the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

posted by Jawwad Kazi 25th Oct 2017