Green activist opposes water aerodrome project in Chilika

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  • Green Nobel prize winner environmental activist Prafulla Samantara said his organisation Lok Shakti Abhiya will oppose the proposed water aerodrome project in Chilika lake at national and international forums.
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  • According to Mr. Samantara, the Chilika lagoon is a unique brackish water body that is visited by lakhs of migratory birds.
  • It also comes under the RAMSAR convention declaration on the natural wetlands of international importance.
  • No project should be taken up in Chilika lake that can affect its biodiversity and have negative impact on the livelihood of thousands of families depending on it, he said.
  • The proposed amphibian airport project in Chilika lake got in-principle nod from the Central government.
  • Under the project of the Civil Aviation Ministry, water aerodromes are to be constructed in Chilika lake in Odisha, Sabarmati riverfront and Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat in the first phase, with an aim to promote tourism.
Chilika lake
  • It is Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon.
  • It is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the second largest coastal lagoon in the world
  • It lies in Odisha state on the eastern coast of India, at the mouth of the Daya River flowing into the Bay of Bengal.
  • Because of its rich bio-diversity and socio-economic importance, Chilika was designated as a Ramsar site in 1981 to afford better protection.
  • It is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds on the Indian sub- continent.
  • Rambha sector in the Chilika Lake is the ideal sector for dolphins to play, flock and mate because of the stillness of the water in the bay area.
  • Chilika, known for its exquisite natural beauty, attracts many tourists because of its dolphin population.
The Hindu,wikipedia

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 15th Aug 2018