AMBIS to increase detection, conviction rates: Fadnavis

Why it is in news?
  • Once the Maharashtra government implements its ambitious Automated Multi-modal Biometric Identification System (AMBIS), crime detection and conviction rates in the State will go up, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said on Sunday.
More about system and its work
  • The system is unique because it uses mobile live scanners, and a police patrol team can ascertain on the spot if a suspect has criminal antecedents.
  • Besides detecting crime through fingerprints at the crime scene, the system with the help of retinal scan, writers pad, palm and even bare sole scans can help trace criminals with 100% accuracy, and that too within a 0.46 milliseconds.
  • Ever since the British introduced fingerprint identification in Kolkata in 1857, the Fingerprint Bureau has been under the jurisdiction of the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
  • After the system crashed in 2012, the CID has been manually scanning and matching fingerprint data with available crime scene data, employing eight to 10 different characteristics.
  • The task is huge as the CID has to go through 6.5 lakh fingerprints data stored with it.
  • Data sharing- Fingerprint data can be shared by the State government with the National Crime Records Bureau, other State governments, investigation agencies, courts, crime experts and even with Interpol and foreign investigation agencies.
  • Advantage of the system is that with retinal scans, it will be difficult for criminals to escape the law.
  • Sometimes, fingerprints are not available if the criminals try to burn their hands, but they surely cannot burn their retina.
  • The retina of every individual is unique, and the blood vessels inside the retina too have unique arrangement.
  • Another feature of the system is facial recognition of suspects in cases of mob violence and mob lynching, with the help of photographs and CCTV footage.
  • Zero data loss- The hi-tech system ensures there will be no data loss, and has back-up facility at a very high level.
  • Another feature of AMBIS is that it can be interfaced with any other operating system, whereby data can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
  • At present the world over, AMBIS is being used by Interpol and other European agencies.
  • It uses NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) file and process standards, which allow free interchange of data with Interpol and other international agencies, when required.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 13th Aug 2018