Nano therapy for cancer cure in pipeline

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  • New cancer therapy using nanoparticles to deliver a combination therapy direct to cancer cells could be on the horizon, scientists say.
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  • The therapy, which has been shown to make breast cancer and prostate cancer tumours more sensitive to chemotherapy, is now close to entering clinical trials, said researchers from the University of East Anglia in the U.K.
  • A study, published in the journal Scientific Reports , confirmed that it can be mass-produced, making it a viable treatment if proved effective in human trials.
  • The technology is the first of its kind to use nanoparticles to deliver two drugs in combination to target cancer cells.
  • The drugs, already approved for clinical use, are an anti-cancer drug called docetaxel, and fingolimod, which is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
  • We have found a way to use it that solves the toxicity problem, enabling these two drugs to be used in a highly targeted and powerful combination.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 12th Aug 2018