India gained exponentially from U.S. nuclear deal: Shyam Saran

Why it is in news?
  • Former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran, at an event to mark 10 years since U.S. nuclear restrictions were lifted on India, listed permanent access to nuclear fuel and a change in international perception as the biggest benefits for India.
Three strategic errors
  • India’s decision to go ahead with the civilian nuclear deal in 2008 was an effort to reverse “three strategic errors,” which he listed as-  
  1. partition,
  2. socialist economic policy and
  3. delay in conducting nuclear tests.
  • Speaking about China’s opposition in 2016 to India’s membership application for the Nuclear Suppliers group (NSG),Given geopolitical shifts that could change China’s perceptions,Mr. Jaishankar said.
History of India’s nucear programmme
  • India started its own nuclear programme in 1944 when Homi J. Bhabha founded the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
  • After Indian independence from the British Empire, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru authorised the development of a nuclear programme headed by Homi Bhabha. The Atomic Energy Act of 1948 focused on peaceful development.
  • In 1972, Indira Gandhi authorised the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) to manufacture a nuclear device and prepare it for a test.
  • Pokhran I-The device was formally called the "Peaceful Nuclear Explosive", but it was usually referred to as the Smiling Buddha. The device was detonated on 18 May 1974, Buddha Jayanti.
  • Pokhran II- A group of 2 nuclear tests conducted in 1998.
Significance of Indo-U.S. nuclear deal
  • As a result of the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal, India had gained in technological and space collaborations from the U.S.
  • It had deepened Indo-U.S. cooperation in the subcontinent.
  • The nuclear deal also differentiated India from Pakistan in the eyes of the world.
  • It branded the two countries very differently, and helped to change our relationships in the world.
  • India and the U.S. signed a breakthrough defence framework agreement that changed the course of the relationships.
The Hindu, MoEA,MoDefence
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 10th Aug 2018