Asian nations slam U.S.-China trade war

Why it is in news?
  • Asian countries have voiced concern about the potentially devastating impact of a U.S.-China trade war, with Ministers calling for the acceleration of talks for a gigantic Beijing-backed free-trade deal that excludes the United States.
Topics dominating discussion
  • Fear that a simmering trade spat between the world’s top two economies could spiral into a full-blown trade war — with painful consequences for China’s neighbours — was among topics dominating discussion at a regional summit in Singapore on Saturday.
  • Other top diplomats at the forum, hosted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, spoke out against protectionism, warning that it places the region’s development in jeopardy.
  •  Some Ministers called for the early conclusion of talks for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, a 16-nation free trade pact.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 5th Aug 2018