Zero telecom equipment imports by 2022 : TRAI

Why in the news ?
  • In a bid to push local manufacturing of telecom gear, TRAI recommended that India aim for 'net zero imports' of telecom equipment by 2022.
  • It also mooted setting up of a Rs.1,000 crore fund for promoting research and innovation in the sector.
  • The recommendations aimed at enabling Indian telecom equipment manufacturing sector to transition from an import-dependent sector to a global hub of indigenous manufacturing.
  • In this regard TRAI asked Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Council (TEMC) to identify and recommend specific areas of priorities.
  • The import of telecom instruments was far greater than the export of such item.
  • According to data available, the export of 'telecom instrument' stood at $1201.7 million, while imports totalled $2,1847.92 million in 2017-18.
  • The regulator has suggested that the progress of indigenous telecommunication equipment manufacturing be monitored by Department of Telecommunications (DoT). 
  • It also said a dedicated unit (within the department) be made responsible for facilitation of manufacturing related activities.
  • It has also emphasised that indigenous products be given preference in all public telecom network for security reasons under preferential market access policy.
  • Established in 1997 by an Act of parliament to regulate telecom services. An independent regulator
  • Its mandate is to deliver a fair and transparent environment for fair competition in telecom market.
  • TRAI also fixes or revises the tariffs for telecom services in India.
The Hindu.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 4th Aug 2018