Faculty numbers dip 2.34 lakh in 3 years

Why in the news ?
  • As per the All India Survey on Higher Education report 2017­-18, the total number of teachers in higher educational institutions in India has come down by about 2.34­lakh in the last three years.
  • The report is a pointer on the dearth of teachers in Indian universities, came at such times when there has been widespread concern over the continuing vacancies in universities.
  • The total number of teachers in higher educational institutions in India — inclusive of all posts from professor to temporary teacher — stood at 12.84 lakh in 2017­18. 
  • The figure for 2016­-17 was 13.65 lakh and that for 2015­-16 was 15.18 lakh, signalling a fall of about 2.34 lakh within three years. 
  • Between 2011-­12 and 2015­-16, the number had been rising from 12.47 lakh to 15.18 lakh. 
  • The reason could be that professors who are retiring are not being replaced, and fresh vacancies at all levels are not being filled up.
  • Not filling the sanctioned posts in State universities is another reason.
  • As per the official statement, the 2017­-18 figure may have gone down because only teachers who provided their Aadhar numbers were been shown as teachers from this year onward.
The Hindu.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 28th Jul 2018