Lok Sabha passes anti-graft amendment Bill

Why it is in news?
  • The Lok Sabha  passed the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2018 that seeks to punish bribe-givers and bribe-takers.
  • The Bill provides for jail terms of three to seven years besides fine  to those convicted of taking or giving bribes to public officials.
  • The Bill also extends the ambit of public servants who will be protected by the provision of a prior government sanction for prosecution.
  • There is also a provision now to get prior permission for starting an investigation and that has prompted many to say that the law has been “diluted” from its original draft.
Safeguards incorporated
  • The Bill  cleared by the Rajya Sabha , was passed unanimously by the Lower House after debating for nearly four hours.
  • Safeguards had been provided to ensure that honest officers were not intimidated by false complaints. “For any corruption case, we will bring guidelines for decision to be ordinarily given in two years.”
  • In a departure from the earlier anti-corruption law, the current law makes a distinction between “collusive bribe givers” and those who are “coerced.”
  • In such cases, the Bill seeks to protect those who report the matter within seven days.
  • Many members who took part in the debate stressed on the need to curb election expenditure and bring about electoral reforms to stop corruption in politics.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 25th Jul 2018