CJI’s courtroom can go live first: Centre tells SC

Why it is in news?
  • The government  told the Supreme Court that live-streaming of court proceedings should start with the Chief Justice of India’s courtroom.
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  • It said live-streaming should be initially restricted to constitutional issues decided by the top judge.
    Atorney general said restricting live-streaming to the CJI’s court would given an opportunity to gauge public response, especially when issues of constitutional significance were heard.
  • In an earlier hearing, the Supreme Court had said it was ready to go live on camera, while the government had mooted a separate TV channel for live-streaming court proceedings.
  • The court had referred to live-streaming as an extension of the “open court” system allowing the public to walk in and watch the court proceedings.
  • Attorney-General K.K. Venugopal had proposed a dedicated channel in the likes of the Rajya Sabha TV and Lok Sabha TV for the Supreme Court.
  • He agreed that live-streaming would keep a check on lawyers' conduct inside the courtrooms.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 24th Jul 2018