Nominated members of Rajya Sabha

Why it is in news?
  • Under article 80 of the Constitution, the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) is composed of not more than 250 members, of whom 12 are nominated by the President of India from amongst persons who have special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as literature, science, art and social service.  
More on news
  • By adopting the principle of nomination in Rajya Sabha, the Constitution has ensured that the nation must also receive services of the most distinguished persons of the country who have earned distinction in their field of activity, many of whom may not like to face the rough and tumble of the election.
  • By nominating them to Rajya Sabha, the State not only recognises their merit and confers honour on them, but also enables them to enrich the debates by their expertise and knowledge that they have in different areas.
  • Article 80(1)(a) of the Constitution, read with Article 80(3), provides that the President can nominate to the Rajya Sabha 12 persons having special knowledge or practical experience in the fields of literature, science, art and social service.
  • Nominated members enjoy all powers, privileges and immunities available to an elected member of Parliament.  
  • They take part in the proceedings of the House as any other member.  
  • They, however, are not entitled to vote in the election of the President of India.   
  • But in the election of the Vice-President of India, they have a right to vote.
  • A nominated member is allowed six months, should he decide to join a political party after he has taken his seat in the House in terms of article 99 of the Constitution.  
  • A nominated member has also been exempted from filing his assets and liabilities under Section 75A of the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1951 which requires the elected member to do so within 90 days of his making or subscribing oath/affirmation.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 15th Jul 2018