EC launches Braille-enabled Voter IDs

Why it is in news?
  • The Election Commission has launched voter identity cards with Braille label (characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips) to ensure greater participation of persons with visual impairment in the electoral process.
Accessible Elections
  • The Commission also unveiled a strategic framework on “Accessible Elections” on conclusion of a two-day national level consultation with representatives of the Central government, political parties, NGOs and experts on disabilities.
  • A series of measures for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in the electoral process have been announced, which includes printing of photo-identity cards with Braille, accessible communication awareness materials, a mobile phone application to motivate and educate the voters and appointment of Disability Coordinates at the Assembly constituency, district and State level.
  • The EC plans to impart cascaded training on accessibility to poll officials, set up auxiliary polling stations, provide accessible photo voter slips, sign-language window in all the audio visual training and advertisement content material for the convenience of deaf persons and free transport facility to PwDs and their Assistants.
  • A new Accessible Division in the India International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Management will also be set up.

The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 5th Jul 2018