India gets its 37th WORLD UNESCO World HERITAGE SITE.

Why in the news ?
  • India’s nomination of the "Victorian and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai " has been inscribed on  UNESCO's World Heritage list.
  • The decision was taken at the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO at Manama in Bahrain.


  • As recommended by the World Heritage Committee, India accepted the renaming of the ensemble as “Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai”.  
  • India has been successful in securing the inscription of the "Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai” on UNESCO's World Heritage List under Criteria (ii) and (iv) as defined in the UNESCO's Operational Guidelines.    
  • This makes Mumbai city the second city in India after Ahmedabad to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. 
  • India now has overall 37 World Heritage Inscriptions with 29 Cultural, 07 Natural and 01 Mixed sites.
  • While India stands second largest in number after China in terms of number of World Heritage properties in ASPAC (Asia and Pacific) region, it is overall sixth in the world.
  • The announcement will give a fillip to domestic and international tourism leading to increased employment generation, creation of world-class infrastructure and augmentation of sale of local handicrafts, handlooms and heritage memorabilia.
  • The Ensemble comprises of two architectural styles, the 19th century collection of Victorian structures and the 20th century Art Deco buildings along the sea, conjoined by means of the historical open space of the Oval Maidan.
  • Together, this architectural ensemble represents the most remarkable collection of Victorian and Art Deco buildings in the world which forms the unique character of this urban setting, unparalleled in the world.




Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 2nd Jul 2018