TN Assembly passes resolution against Dam Safety bill, wants consensus

Why it is in news?
  • The Tamil Nadu Assembly today adopted a “unanimous” resolution urging the Centre to “keep in abeyance” all efforts towards enacting the Dam Safety Bill 2018
  • It also  called for evolving a consensus on the matter with all states.
  • A special government resolution moved by Chief Minister  in the state Assembly received the full support of the DMK-led opposition, even as the resolution highlighted possible “problems” that could crop up over the operation and maintenance of dams by Tamil Nadu located in other states.
  • In his remarks before moving the resolution, Palaniswami recalled late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s opposition to earlier draft bills on the issue, and said the latest bill could affect operation and maintenance of dams including the Mullaperiyar located in neighbouring Kerala.
Infringing upon ‘rights’
  • The resolution moved by Palaniswami said the Dam Safety Bill 2018 had provisions that could “affect Tamil Nadu’s rights” as well as impact the operation and maintenance of dams located in other states.
  • This House urges the Centre to keep in abeyance all efforts towards enacting the proposed Dam Safety Bill (2018) into a law till states are consulted and a consensus evolved
Dam safety
  • The Bill seeks to constitute a national committee on dam safety which shall evolve safety policies and recommend necessary regulations.
  • It provides for establishment of National Dam Safety Authority as a regulatory body which shall discharge functions to implement the policy, guidelines and standards for dam safety in the country.
  • In certain cases, such as dams of one state falling under the territory of another, the authority shall also perform the role of State Dam Safety Organisation, thereby eliminating potential causes for inter-state conflicts.
  • The Bill also provides for constitution of a State Committee on Dam Safety by the state governments.
  • The provisions of the Bill also lay onus of dam safety on the owner and provides for penal provisions for commission and omission of certain acts.

The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 27th Jun 2018