National Digital Library of India
Who has launched NDL?
- National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a project of the Ministry of Human Resource
Development under the aegis of National Mission on Education through Information and
Communication Technology (NMEICT).
The objective of NDL is to make digital educational resources available to all citizens of the country to empower, inspire and encourage learning.
National Digital Library of India is developed by IIT Kharagpur.
What is NDL?
- NDL is the Single Window Platform that collects and collates metadata from premier
learning institutions in India and abroad, as well as other relevant sources.
- It is a digital repository containing textbooks, articles, videos, audio books, lectures, simulations, fiction and all other kinds of learning media.
- National Digital Library is a 24x7 ubiquitous knowledge resource that is accessible to
anyone with internet access and it is built to enable the rise of Digital India. The Minister
said that anybody can access the digital library anytime and anywhere absolutely-free of
What are the available resources on NDL?
- NDLI is a digital library that makes quality learning resources available to all learners andhas 1.7 Crore content from more than 160 sources, in over 200 languages, everywhere and30 lakh users are registered on NDL as on date and our target is to increase the users 10times in a year.
- NDLI platform is collaborative in nature and extended his regards tocontributing institutions which have made available their digital repositories forintegration with NDLI.
- Apart from website, NDL is also available on the Mobile app. NDLI Mobile app is enablingaccess to rich digital content of libraries across the country and even foreign repositories tousers even in the remotest of areas. Users can search for content using various parameterslike subject matter, source, content type and more. Right now the app is available in threelanguages – English, Hindi and Bengali.