
Kozhikode became part of UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) as the City was Awarded the title of City of Literature at the 16th Annual Conference of the network that began in Portugal.


The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) is an initiative launched by UNESCO in 2004 to promote cooperation among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development. The network aims to foster international collaboration and leverage the creative potential of cities to drive cultural, social, and economic growth.

Objectives of UCCN:

  1. Strengthen international cooperation among cities that recognize creativity as a driver of sustainable development.
  2. Enhance the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and resources among the member cities to support the cultural and creative industries.
  3. Promote the integration of culture and creativity into urban development plans and policies.
  4. Raise awareness of the importance of creative industries and culture for economic and social development.

Membership Categories:

Cities can be designated as a UNESCO Creative City in one of the following seven creative fields:

  1. Crafts and Folk Art
  2. Design
  3. Film
  4. Gastronomy
  5. Literature
  6. Media Arts
  7. Music

Benefits of Membership:

  • Global recognition and branding as a UNESCO Creative City.
  • Access to a network of like-minded cities for collaboration and exchange of best practices.
  • Opportunities for funding and support for creative projects and initiatives.
  • Promotion of cultural tourism and enhancement of the city's international profile.
  • Capacity-building through workshops, seminars, and training programs.

Examples of UNESCO Creative Cities:

  • Berlin, Germany (Design)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (Design)
  • Hanoi, Vietnam (Design)
  • Edinburgh, Scotland (Literature)
  • Bologna, Italy (Music)
  • Chengdu, China (Gastronomy)

Application Process:

Cities interested in joining the UCCN must submit an application demonstrating their commitment to creativity and sustainable urban development. The application should highlight the city's achievements in the chosen creative field, plans for future development, and a strategy for international collaboration within the network.

Significance of UCCN

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) holds significant importance for member cities and the broader global community. Here are several key aspects of its significance:

  1. Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion:
  • Economic Growth: By promoting cultural and creative industries, the UCCN helps cities stimulate economic development and job creation. These industries can be powerful engines of economic growth, contributing to GDP and providing employment opportunities.
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation: UCCN membership encourages cities to preserve and promote their unique cultural heritage, which can foster a sense of identity and continuity among residents.
  1. Sustainable Urban Development:
  • Integrated Urban Planning: The network encourages cities to integrate creativity and culture into urban planning and policy-making, leading to more sustainable and resilient urban environments.
  • Innovative Solutions: Creative cities often develop innovative solutions to urban challenges, such as housing, transportation, and environmental sustainability, benefiting from a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach.
  1. International Collaboration and Networking:
  • Knowledge Exchange: Member cities benefit from the exchange of best practices, experiences, and resources with other cities in the network. This collaboration can lead to improved policies and initiatives.
  • Global Recognition: Being part of the UCCN enhances a city's global profile, attracting international attention and investment, and potentially boosting tourism and cultural exchanges.
  1. Community and Social Benefits:
  • Inclusive Development: The network promotes inclusivity by encouraging cities to engage all community members in cultural activities and creative projects, fostering social cohesion and a sense of belonging.
  • Civic Engagement: Cultural and creative initiatives often involve local communities, increasing civic participation and engagement in urban development processes.
  1. Educational and Capacity-Building Opportunities:
  • Skill Development: Cities in the network have access to training programs, workshops, and seminars that help build local capacities in various creative fields, fostering talent and skills development.
  • Youth Empowerment: The focus on creativity provides numerous opportunities for youth to engage in meaningful activities, develop new skills, and pursue careers in creative industries.
  1. Cultural Tourism Enhancement:
  • Attracting Visitors: The designation as a UNESCO Creative City can boost cultural tourism by highlighting the city's creative assets and cultural heritage, attracting visitors interested in unique cultural experiences.
  • Economic Impact: Increased tourism can lead to economic benefits for local businesses and the broader community.
  1. Promotion of Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue:
  • Cultural Exchange: The network fosters intercultural dialogue and understanding by promoting diverse cultural expressions and encouraging collaboration between cities from different cultural backgrounds.
  • Global Awareness: UCCN raises global awareness about the importance of cultural diversity and the role of creativity in building inclusive and sustainable societies.

In summary, the UCCN plays a crucial role in promoting the cultural and creative sectors as vital components of sustainable urban development, fostering international cooperation, enhancing community well-being, and contributing to the global cultural landscape.

Posted by on 2nd Jul 2024