Naxal free Bihar
According to the Director general of the Central Reserve Police Force, Bihar is currently free of radical communist ism (CRPF).
The CRPF director general claims that the fight against Naxalism is almost over.
He said that Bihar is now free of left-wing extremism and that security officers had visited Jharkhand regions that had previously been inaccessible because of the presence of Maoists.
The one internal security danger that poses the greatest risk to the most Indian States is left-wing extremism.
With violence as their main tool, mass mobilisation, and strategically aligned fronts are complimentary elements of LWE's plan to topple the current democratic state system.
They intend to start India's so-called "New Democratic Revolution."
Maoists and Naxalites are two terms used to describe left-wing extremists in different parts of the world.
Causes for the spread of LWE
Land Issues
invasion and occupancy of public and private properties (including waterbodies) by influential social groups.
lack of title to public land used for farming by people without land.
Laws preventing the transfer of tribal land to non-tribals in the Fifth Schedule territories are not being implemented properly.
Traditional land rights are not being regulated.
Relocation and Forcible Evictions
Displacement from lands that tribal peoples have historically used.
large-scale land acquisition without adequate compensation or restoration for "public reasons.
Livelihood issues
Corruption in the Public Distribution System causes a lack of food security.
conventional occupations being disrupted and a lack of alternatives to those occupations.
loss of historical rights to resources that are considered common property.
Community Exclusion
Degradation of dignity
Continued use of various forms of untouchability in some contexts.
Poorly enacted special legislation on atrocity prevention, civil rights protection, the abolition of bonded labour, etc.
Governance issues
Corruption and the poor delivery or absence of fundamental public services, such as primary healthcare and education.
police misconduct and transgressions of legal standards.
Election politics are corrupted, and local government institutions operate ineffectively.
Despite being predominantly a State issue, MHA has since 2015 issued a "National Policy and Action Plan" to combat the threat of LWE.
The policy's key elements are its total rejection of violence and strong support for charitable endeavours.
By sending out battalions of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), providing helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other means, MHA is assisting the State Governments in strengthening their security apparatus and building their capacity.
Additionally, funds are offered through the Modernisation of Police Force (MPF), Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme, and Special Infrastructure Scheme for the modernization and training of State Police (SIS).
The government has undertaken a number of developmental activities for the LWE Impacted States, including the approval of 17,600 km of road, the installation of mobile towers in LWE affected districts, and financial inclusion through the opening of banks, ATMs, etc.
providing young people with a superior education with an emphasis on the opening of Eklavya Model Residential Schools
More than 10,000 initiatives have been undertaken as part of the Special Central Assistance (SCA) Scheme to further encourage growth in the most afflicted districts.Despite being predominantly a State issue, MHA has since 2015 issued a "National Policy and Action Plan" to combat the threat of LWE.
The policy's key elements are its total rejection of violence and strong support for charitable endeavours.
By sending out battalions of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), providing helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other means, MHA is assisting the State Governments in strengthening their security apparatus and building their capacity.
Additionally, funds are offered through the Modernisation of Police Force (MPF), Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme, and Special Infrastructure Scheme for the modernization and training of State Police (SIS).
The government has undertaken a number of developmental activities for the LWE Impacted States, including the approval of 17,600 km of road, the installation of mobile towers in LWE affected districts, and financial inclusion through the opening of banks, ATMs, etc.
providing young people with a superior education with an emphasis on the opening of Eklavya Model Residential Schools
More than 10,000 initiatives have been undertaken as part of the Special Central Assistance (SCA) Scheme to further encourage growth in the most afflicted districts.
Certain districts had been identified by MHA as LWE impacted and covered by the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme.
The SRE districts classified as "Most Affected Districts" are those that account for more than 85% of all LWE violence in the nation.
This is carried out in order to concentrate the deployment of resources, both for security and for development.
08 districts have been designated as "Districts of Concern" in order to stop the expansion and to prevent them from regaining power in the areas that have recently been removed from LWE influence.
39 districts reported experiencing violence, down from 60 in 2010.
From 35 in 2015 to 25 in 2021, the number of the most afflicted districts, which accounted for 90% of the violent occurrences, has decreased.
In Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, Telengana, and Andhra Pradesh, these districts are primarily located.
Violence incidents decreased from a peak of 2,258 in 2009 to 509 in 2021.
The number of violent deaths has decreased by 85%.
The death toll decreased from 1,005 in 2010, when it was at its peak level, to 147 in 2021.
Significant progress was made in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh.
In the three States, the CRPF had begun Operation Octopus, Operation Double Bull, Operation Thunderstorm, and Operation Chakarbandha.
As a result, these states saw significant success in 2022.
Source: The Hindu