Habitat management of birds at airfields

Why is it in News?
  • Salim Ali centre for Ornithology and Natural History emphasized on habitat management of birds at airfields.
  • Report title is ‘Best Practices for migration of Hazards posed by Birds to Aircrafts’.
  • Measures:
(1) Migration can be reduced by reduction of food near site, water, cover and roosting sites.
(2) Prevention of breeding inside the airports
(3) Discourage people from dumping of wastes near airports
  • Other :
(1) Prepare database of birds species within 10 km of airport
(2) Create awareness and public participation
(3) Discourage feeding to birds by people near airports within 2 km
(4) Discourage slaughter house near airports to reduce kites
(5) Less than 15 cm height grass should be developed to discourage lapwing activity
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 3rd Jan 2021