Facial recognition technology

Why is it in News?
  • There are currently 16 facial recognition tracking system have been operational by centre and various state governments in India.
  • It is used for surveillance, security and authentication of identity.
  • There are no specific laws or guidelines to regulate this invasive technology.
  • Legal angle:
(1) It is violation of right to privacy.
(2) It is also violation of freedom of speech & expression.
  • Facial recognition technology:
(1) It is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a subject through an image, video or any audiovisual element of his/her face.
(2) It is a method of biometric identification that facial biometric pattern and data.
(3) Biometric facial recognition uses unique mathematical and dynamic patterns.
(4) It is based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 31st Dec 2020