Harsh Vardhan made member of GAVI Board

Why is it in news?
  • Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has been nominated by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) as a member on the GAVI Board.
  • Harsh Vardhan will be representing the South East Area Regional Office (SEARO)/ Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) constituency on the GAVI Board.
  • Gaviis an international organisation created in 2000 to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world's poorest countries
  • The GAVI Board is responsible for strategic direction and policymaking, oversees the operations of the Vaccine Alliance and monitors programme implementation.
  • With membership drawn from a range of partner organisations, as well as experts from the private sector, the Board provides a forum for balanced strategic decision making, innovation and partner collaboration.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 30th Dec 2020