Fiscal deficit breaches annual target

Why is it in news?
  • According to official data released, Union Government’s fiscal deficit widened to ₹53 lakh crore, at the end of October of the current fiscal.
  • It is close to 120% of the annual budget estimate.
  • The deficit widened mainly due to poor revenue realisation.
  • The lockdown imposed to curb spread of the virus had significantly impacted business activities.
  • The fiscal deficit or gap between the expenditure and revenue had breached the annual target in July this year.
More about Fiscal Deficit:
  • It indicate the excess of government expenditure over receipts except borrowing.
  • Fiscal deficit = Total Expenditure – Total Receipts except borrowings. 
  • Fiscal deficit represents the total borrowing requirements of the central government.  
  • It indicate the financial health of the budget and that of the government.
  • Higher fiscal deficit becomes a matter of concern. On the other hand, a manageable fiscal deficit is a welcome sign.
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 28th Nov 2020