CPCB flags unsafe disposal of cattle
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- Central Pollution Control Board issues guidelines for incineration and calls for better use of remains for fertilizers.
- Observations:
(1) About 30% of India’s dead cattle and 40% of goats weren’t skinned and nearly nine million bovine hides were “lost annually due to non-recovery.
(2) Carcasses, especially those that result from the animal slaughter, are an ‘environmental hazard’.
(3) There were nearly 25 million head of cattle including buffalo that died of natural causes and there wasn't any organised system of disposal.
(4) While the hide was mostly removed for leather, the carcasses were frequently left to in the open.
(5) It attracted “vultures and dogs polluting the environment and creating environmental hazards.
(6) This open dumping attracted birds which can cause air accidents
- Guidelines:
(1) The draft guidelines require carcasses of livestock to be disposed off in incinerators
(2) Municipal authorities must ensure that such facilities are set up and made available.
(3) There is a need of setting up more ‘carcass utilisation plants’ where the parts of the animal could be used to make tallow, nutritional supplements and fertilizer.
- However, the Board has not specified and deadline for the implementation of the guidelines.