Iran hails lifting of UN arms embargo

Why is it in news?
  • UN embargo on Iran for sales to and from Iran came to an end in line with a 2015 landmark nuclear deal.
  • Iran can now purchase weapons from Russia, China and elsewhere.
Iran Nuclear Deal:
  • It is also known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
  • Signed in 2015, Iran agreed a long-term deal on its nuclear programme with a group of world powers known as the P5+1 - the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany.
  • Under the accord, Iran agreed to limit its sensitive nuclear activities and allow in international inspectors in return for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions.
  • It was negotiated by the Obama administration but ultimately abandoned by Donald Trump.
  • S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal in 2018 and has unilaterally begun reimposing sanctions on Iran.
  • But Washington suffered a setback in August when it failed to win support from the United Nations Security Council to indefinitely extend the arms embargo.
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 19th Oct 2020