Stubble Burning and Delhi
Why is it in News?
- Supreme Court bench appointed Justice Lokur one-man committee to monitor and prevent stances of stubble burning by 3 neighbouring states.
- About committee:
(1) Justice Lokur will be helped by student volunteer forces to patrol highways and fields and ensure that no fires started in the fields.
(2) The Supreme Court’s own Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) would consult with the committee on issues related to stubble-burning.
(3) The committee will file its status reports with the court at least every fortnight.
- Reasons for Stubble Burning in north west rice-belt of India:
(1) Changing rainfall patterns: leave farmers with an extremely short window to clear land for the sowing of winter crops.
(2) Insufficient machinery: on ground to clear farms,
(3) Little demand for biomass power plants.
(4) No assurance: that early maturing seeds will ensure high yields.
(5) Fall in ground water levels: forced farmers to delay planting until well into the monsoon. delay pushed back the harvest.
(6) When farmers burn rice stubble, the tail of the monsoon has already passed. With no wind to disperse it, the smoke drifts idly south-east, converging in the skies over Delhi.