Biological plant-virus ‘arms race’

Why is it in News?
  • A new study has discovered a new step in this arms race between the virus called Synedrella Yellow Vein Clearing Virus and the plants it attacks.
  • The virus first attacks the plant, and the plant has defences that are actually counter-attacks – mechanisms that seek to destroy the virus.
  • In turn, the virus develops a counter-counter-attack by trying to escape being destroyed by the plant’s mechanisms.
  • Study:
(1) The virus was isolated by the researchers from a plant named Synedrella nodiflora, and it was able to infect tobacco and tomato plant in their studies.
(2) Without BetaC1, a viral protein, the virus will not be able to defeat the host attacks and also will not be able to completely infect the plant.
(3) In turn, the plant develops defence mechanisms to destroy the virus. It targets the protein called BetaC1 made by the virus which helps in successful infection and intracellular movement within the plant.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 12th Oct 2020