National Security Plan for Cyberspace

Why is it in news?
  • National Security Advisor announced that the central government is coming with National Security Plan for Cyberspace
  • The proposed cyber security plan aimed at bringing together all cyber security agencies for securing, strengthening and synergizing cyber system ecosystem.
  • It will closely associate with business and citizens.
  • Need for Such plan:
(1) 500% increase in incidents of cybercrimes.
(2) Financial frauds are increasing due digitization.
How Net neutrality works?
  • When a web user connects to a website or web service, he or she gets the same speed.
  • Data rate for Youtube videos and Facebook photos is theoretically same.
  • Users can access any legal website or web service without any interference from an ISP ( Internet Service Provider )
  • Web users are free to connect to whatever website or service they want. ISPs do not bother with what kind of content is flowing from their servers.
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI):
  • Established in 1997 by an Act of parliament to regulate telecom services. An independent regulator
  • Its mandate is to deliver a fair and transparent environment for fair competition in telecom market.
  • TRAI also fixes or revises the tariffs for telecom services in India.
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 23rd Sep 2020