Country-of-origin onus on Importers

Why is it in news?
  • The Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020 (CAROTAR, 2020), shall come into force from September 21.
  • Importers will have to ensure that imported goods meet the prescribed ‘rules of origin’ provisions for availing concessional rate of customs duty under free trade agreements (FTAs).
  • An importer would now have to enter certain origin related information in the Bill of Entry, as available in the Certificate of Origin.
  • ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) FTA allows imports of most items at nil or concessional basic customs duty from the 10-nation bloc.
  • Major imports to India come from five ASEAN countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam.
  • CAROTAR 2020 supplements the existing operational certification procedures prescribed under different trade agreements.
To curb re-routing:
  • The benefit of concessional customs duty rate applies only if an ASEAN member country is the country of origin of goods.
  • This means that goods originating from China and routed through these countries will not be eligible for customs duty concessions under the ASEAN FTA.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 19th Sep 2020