California Fires

Why is it in news?
  • More than two million acres have burned across the California so far in 2020, which makes this a record year.
  • Reasons:
(1) Climate of California:
(a) High temperature and strong winds of Santa Ana.
(b) Santa Anas are dry, warm (often hot) winds that blow westward through Southern California toward the coast.
(c) Lack of rainfall and high temperatures in the summer which makes vegetation dry.

(2) Climate Change

(a) Urbanization and increasing habitations near forests
(b) Resultant accumulation dry material intensified the fire.
  • Impact:
(1) Air pollution
(2) Land degradation
(3) Loss of forest and biodiversity
(4) Economic loss
(5) Human lives loss
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 16th Sep 2020