NGT slams Ministry’s report on clean air programme

Why is it in News?
  • The National Green Tribunal has slammed the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) over its report on the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP).
  • NCAP proposes 20-30% reduction of air pollution by 2024.
  • Ministry to NGT:
(1) To assess the impact of technological and policy interventions on air quality levels, a mid-term nationwide review might be conducted and targets updated, if required.
(2) A committee has concluded that 20-30% pollutant reduction under the NCAP seems realistic.
(3) Under the NCAP, the target was to achieve norms in 10 years and reduce load to the extent of 35% in first three years with further reduction of pollution later.
  • NGT view:
(1) Right to Clean Air stood recognised as part of Right to Life and failure to address air pollution was denial of Right to Life under article 21.
(2) MoEF’s stand that pollution could not be controlled except to the extent of certain per cent was directly violation of constitutional mandate.
(3) For 10 years pollution would remain unaddressed which was too long period of tolerating violations when clean air was Right to Life.
(4) Further, it was not clear what type of pollutants or all pollutants would be reduced.
(5) There is no data how much pollution has been reduced in the last two years.
(6) In 2019, the number of NACs (Non-Attainment Cities) has gone up from 102 to 122.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 26th Aug 2020