Saliva test for novel coronavirus

Why is it in News:
  • FDA approves rapid, inexpensive saliva test for novel coronavirus
  • SalivaDirect test can detect when the number of virus copies in the saliva sample is as low as six-12 copies per microlitre.
  • In contrast, testing nasopharyngeal swabs leads to false negative test results due to errors at the time of sample collection. The sensitivity was about 93%.
  • Advantages:
(1) It has high sensitivity.
(2) It makes the sample collection non-invasive.
(3) It also reduces the need for trained healthcare workers to collect the samples and reduces the risk of virus spread to healthcare workers at the time of sample collection.
(4) Collecting nasopharyngeal samples can be uncomfortable to people, discouraging them from getting tested. The saliva test is likely to increase testing compliance.
(5) The saliva sample can be collected in any sterile container.
(6) The diagnostic test also does not require the use of preservatives at sample collection, does not require specialised reagents or equipment for nucleic acid extraction.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 18th Aug 2020