Ammonium Nitrate

Why is it in News?
  • According to the government of Lebanon, Beirut Explosion caused by over 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate kept in storage for over six years.
Ammonium Nitrate
  • Properties:
(1) In its pure form, ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is a white, crystalline chemical.
(2) It is soluble in water.
(3) Pure ammonium nitrate is not an explosive on its own.
(4) It is classified as an oxidiser (Grade 5.1) under the United Nations classification of dangerous goods.
(5) If mixed with ingredients like fuel or some other contaminants, or because of some other external factors, it can be very explosive.
(5) However, for combinations to explode, triggers like detonators are required.
  • Use:
(1) It is a common chemical ingredient of agricultural fertilisers.
(2) It is the main component of the explosive composition known as ANFO — ammonium nitrate fuel oil.
(3) It is the main ingredient in the manufacture of commercial explosives used in mining and construction.
(4) It is used as an ingredient for the production of anaesthetic gases, cold packs.
  • In India:
(1) Ammonium nitrate is highly regulated in India.
(2) The Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012, under The Explosives Act, 1884, defines the ammonium nitrate.
(3) It defined as the “compound with formula NH4NO3 including any mixture or compound having more than 45 per cent ammonium nitrate by weight but excluding those from which the ammonium nitrate cannot be separated”.
(4) The rules also make storage of ammonium nitrate in large quantities in populated areas illegal in India.
(5) In the majority of terror attacks in India, ammonium nitrate has been used along with initiator explosives like RDX.
(6) For the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, an Industrial licence is required under the Industrial Development and Regulation Act, 1951.
(7) A license under the Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012 is also required for any activity related to ammonium nitrate.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 6th Aug 2020