India USA Relations
Why is it in news?
- PM Modi addressed US India Business Council.
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited U.S. companies to invest in India’s healthcare, infrastructure, defence, energy, farm and insurance sectors.
- India offers a perfect combination of openness, opportunities and options.
- Reforms have ensured increased competitiveness, transparency, digitisation, innovation and policy stability.
- External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has said that the U.S. needs to learn to work with a more multipolar world and “go beyond” alliances.
- Jaishankar was optimistic that the trade differences between India and the U.S. could be resolved and the relationship be shifted to a “higher gear”.
- US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said countries like India and the U.S. should work together to face the ‘challenge’ of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC).