Levy on digital services

Why is it in news?
  • According to tax experts, Finance Ministry’s move to impose an equalisation levy has led to a lot of ambiguity and needs clarity.
  • Finance Ministry has announced levy of 2% on e-commerce supplies and services from April 1.
  • Earlier, the government had imposed a 6% equalisation levy on online advertisement services by non-resident entities.
  • Later, the scope was expanded to online sale of goods and provision of services from April 1.
Concerns of some tax Experts:
  • The language is quite ambiguous.
  • While the intention appears to be taxing e-commerce, it cannot end up taxing transactions where the medium is only the Internet.
  • There should be a distinction between digital goods/digital services on one hand and goods and services supplied using the digital medium as a mode of delivery or for transacting.

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 19th Jul 2020