SC for larger warnings on cigarette packs

Why it is in news?

  • The Supreme Court stayed a Karnataka High Court order reducing the size of pictorial warnings on packages of tobacco products to 40% of the package space.
  • The court foregrounded the health of citizens over the concerns of the tobacco industry and favoured a government regulation requiring packets of tobacco products to sport pictorial warnings covering 85% of their packaging space.
  • A Bench  said it is mild to say that tobacco consumption and use causes “deterioration of health”.
  • The apex court said “destruction of health” is a more appropriate phrase to explain the harm caused by tobacco.
  • The Division Bench of the High Court had struck down the amendment to the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling Rules) 2008, as amended in 2014.

Better impact

  • Centre challenged the High Court decision to reduce the size of pictorial warnings saying in a country where illiteracy is rampant the more prominent the warning the better impact it would have on the minds of the people.
  • Life sans health is not worth living and the chewing of tobacco or smoking of cigarettes or bidis, etc., causes irretrievable hazard to health
  • It is the obligation of the State to make the people aware as regards the injurious nature of these indulgences.
  • Apart from the victim of the habit, the family suffers. The whole society faces peril,

Ban tobacco

Counter vie

  1. Instead of a ban, the government is using “absolutely horrifying” pictures with no named source or scientific value on the tobacco packets.
  2. The use of such pictures on 85% packaging space is a violation of their fundamental right to do business under Article 19 (1) (g)
  3. parliamentary standing committee has already recommended pictorial warnings on 50% space and this should be adopted till March 31, 2018, when the issue would be re-examined.



Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 9th Jan 2018