New device to prevent ill-effects of sitting.

Why is it in news?

Based on a study by researchers at University of Illinois about the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting, a device has been created which can help people to engage into non-exercise active thermogenesis


  • Thermogenesis is a spontaneous activity unrelated to a fitness routine, which is mild in nature and is not as exhaustive as a full physical work-out.
  • Sitting has been identified as a risk factor for earlier mortality, independent of the presence of a disease, such as cancer or diabetes. Up to 7% of deaths have been attributed to sitting alone.
  • Prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyle can also cause issues at joints at older ages. It is also linked to many lifestyle diseases.
  • The device has a movable footrest, suspended from the underside of the desk, which enables the feet to swing, twist or teeter; thus effectively stimulating leg movements.
  • Researchers also found out that even modest movement while seated elevated the metabolic rate more than sitting and more than standing, by 17% and 7% respectively.


India has a large population of people employed in the service sector, of which, most of them are desk jobs, thus significantly raising the country’s burden of lifestyle diseases. Use of such devices on a large scale can significantly help the people and the country as a whole.


Source: The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 3rd Jan 2018