J&K law to stop ‘sextortion’ of women

Why is it in news?
  • Administration in Jammu & Kashmir approved an amendment to the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC), to insert a section to provide for the offence of “sextortion.”
  • Under Section 354E of the RPC the new law explicitly bans :
    1. Sexual exploitation of women by those in positions of authority
    2. Having a fiduciary relationship
    3. A public servant.
  • J&K has become the first State in the country to bring a law to prevent people in power from exploiting subordinates sexually.
  • The amendments will bring sextortion at par with similar offences prescribed under Ranbir Penal Code.
  • Amendment is being made in Prevention of Corruption Act to amend the definition of misconduct and to provide that demand for sexual favours would also constitute misconduct within the meaning of Section 5.
Need of Amendments
  • J&K government decided to reinforce the legal framework to curb instances of women being victimised by the persons in authority or in fiduciary relationships.
  • The existing legislative provisions have been found deficient to curb this menace.
  • Therefore, a need was felt to introduce such provisions in the relevant laws that would prevent occurrence of such instances .
  • Also it will deter the persons in authority to abuse their authority, influence or position to obtain sexual favours from the weaker sex.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 15th Dec 2018