Punganur cow

Why is it in news?
  • According to livestock journals, The Punganur cow, considered one of the world’s smallest breeds of cattle, is said to be on the verge of extinction due to cross-breeding being conducted by farmers.
Punganur cow
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Animal Genetic Resources listed the breed as facing extinction.
  • Punganur cow –
  • Diminutive, with a height of 70 cm to 90 cm.
  • Weighing around 115 to 200 kg.
  • In comparison, the famous Ongole bull stands tall at 1.70 metres and weighs 500 kg.
  • Both breeds trace their origins to Andhra Pradesh.
  • Status symbol - The Punganur cow has become a status symbol in recent years as wealthy livestock farmers began buying it, believing it brings good luck.
Cattle Breeds
  • Indigenous dairy breeds of cattle-
    1. Gir
    2. Red Sindhi
    3. Sahiwal
    4. Deoni
  • Exotic dairy breeds of cattle-
    1. Jersey
    2. Holstein Friesian
    3. Brown Swiss
    4. Red Dane
    5. Ayrshire
    6. Guernsey
  • Indigenous buffalo breedsl
    1. Murrah
    2. Surti
    3. Jaffrabadi
    4. Bhadawari
    5. Nili Ravi
    6. Mehsana
    7. Nagpuri
    8. Toda
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
  • objectives:
    1. Development and conservation of indigenous breeds
    2. Undertake breed improvement programme for indigenous cattle breeds so as to improve the genetic makeup and increase the stock;
    3. Enhance milk production and productivity;
    4. Upgrade nondescript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi and
    5. Distribute disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service.
The Hindu, Vikaspedia,PIB
Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 14th Dec 2018