Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty)

Why is it in news?
  • Vladimir Putin threatened to develop nuclear missiles banned under a treaty with the U.S. after Washington gave Moscow a deadline to comply with the key arms control agreement.a
INF Treaty
  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty concluded in 1987 by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • INF treaty was a bilateral agreement between Washington and Moscow.
  • It hailed as one of the most important arms control agreements between Washington and Moscow.
Implications on India-
  • Coin having both sides- Proposed US withdrawal from the three-decade-old disarmament pact with Russia presents both a challenge and opportunity for India.
  • Implications on Indian security –
  1. Especially on the military balance with China,
  2. Its traditional defence cooperation with Russia and
  3. The new possibilities for high-technology cooperation with the US, Europe and Japan.
Implications on world-
  • Increase in deployment of missiles-
  1. United States could deploy to Europe or Asia in the near term.
  2. Russia is in more able position to develop and deploy missiles as it has developed some missiles beforehand which are in violation of INF treaty.
Split in alliance-
  1. Withdrawal is likely to be controversial with U.S. allies in NATO.
  2. It may further result in splitting the alliance.
  3. Many Western European NATO states favor retaining the INF, in conjunction with previous U.S. policy designed to push Moscow back into compliance.
  4. This raises concerns that divisions within NATO may worsen when the United States officially withdraws from the INF.
The Hindu, New York times

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 6th Dec 2018