PSLV to launch 2 U.K. satellites

Why it is in news?
  • ISRO’s first fully commercial trip this year
  • A PSLV launch on Sunday night will put two earth observation satellites from the U.K. to space.
More in news
  • There is no Indian satellite on this flight. PSLV-C42 will be the first fully commercial trip of the year, breaking a five-month-long lull for the Indian Space Research Organisation.
  • ISRO did not make any launch post-April 12, 2018, after it put replacement navigation satellite, IRNSS-1I to space on the PSLV-C41 rocket.
  • A few days after that, it recalled its GSAT-11 from the South American launch port of Kourou and weeks before it was due for a launch ISRO Chairman K. Sivan said the interval was not connected with the satellite recall but for the sake of readiness of the two customer satellites.
  • It will lift NovaSAR and S1-4 to a sun-synchronous ('pole-to-pole') orbit 583 km from Earth.
  • The entire flight up to the release of the satellites is designed to happen within 17.5 minutes.
  • The satellites are owned by Surrey Satellite Technologies Ltd., which signed a commercial launch contract with Antrix Corporation.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 16th Sep 2018