Army mulling increasing retirement age of jawans

Why it is in news?
  • Plans to hike itto 20 years in a phased manner
  • The Army is considering a proposal to increase the retirement and pensionable age of jawans in service from the current 15 years to 20 years in a phased manner.
  • This will have a major impact as Other Ranks (OR) constitute most of the rank and file of the 1.3 million army.
More in news
  • As of now Jawans and Lance Naiks retire after 15 years of service, which is also the pensionable service limit with the option of a two year extension.
  • Dual benefit- The idea is to increase the pensionable service limit in phases to 20 years as the life expectancy has gone up in general since independence and soldiers retire relatively young.
  • This will serve the dual benefit of giving longer tenure in service for soldiers while reducing the pension burden for the Army.
  • Revenue to capital ratio- The Army is facing an increasing burden of revenue expenditure and pensions, leaving very little funds for new purchases and modernisation. In this year’s Defence Budget, the Army’s share was Rs. 1,28,076 crore for revenue stream, while Rs. 26,688 crore was the capital allocation. This does not include pensions. The current revenue to capital ratio is around 83:17.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 12th Sep 2018