Bamboo, a promising crop for progressive farmers

  • Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant and there is no recurring expense incurred on irrigation, fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides
  •  Harvesting can start from the fifth year and an average income of ₹1 lakh can be expected from an acre from the sixth year onwards for a period of 30 to 40 years
More on news
  • Many progressive farmers in Kerala and Karnataka try their luck in bamboo cultivation with the hope of securing sustainable income.
  • Better returns in a short span of time no recurring expenses and huge demand for bamboo poles in the market are some of the major attractions of cultivating bamboo.
  • Dearth of skilled labourers for tapping rubber and uncertainties prevailing in the sector prompted him to switch to bamboo.
  •  There is a huge demand for bamboo poles in the construction and farming sectors in the region
  • More than 200 farmers in the district had already planted bamboo nearly a decade ago as an inter-crop and they were getting a better income from the crop.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 10th Sep 2018