2+2 talks to focus on China

Why is it in news?
  • The first U.S.-India 2+2 dialogue next week in New Delhi will discuss regional and strategic issues of Asia and “will also have some real outcomes.
  • “China and how to respond to it will be front and centre” of the dialogue.
More in news
  • The Trump administration is mindful of India’s legacy ties with Russia, but does not appreciate its continuing defence cooperation with it, said Mr. Schriver, adding that he was not sure of granting a waiver to India from sanctions if it went ahead with the planned purchase of S-400 missile defence system from Russia.
  • Mr. Schriver said the U.S. administration expected some concrete outcomes such as concluding an enabling agreement on communication and expanding the scope of military exercises.
  • Operationalising India-U.S. partnership in Asia would be part of the 2+2 agenda.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 30th Aug 2018