India-Pakistan ties key to regional stability: China

Why is it in news?
  • China on Wednesday offered to play a “constructive role” to ease tensions between India and Pakistan.
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  • To move forward Pakistan and India must have a dialogue and resolve their conflicts, including Kashmir.
  • Both Pakistan and India are important countries in South Asia.
  • The improvement and development of their relations are quite important to the regional peace and stability and prosperity.
  • As a common neighbour to Pakistan and India, China firmly supports the two sides to enhance dialogue and increase mutual trust and properly handle and solve their differences.
  • China has been visibly emphatic in its advocacy for the resolution of Indo-Pakistan differences since the June summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), where New Delhi and Islamabad were welcomed as full members of the grouping.
  • SCO could provide a “better platform” to resolve the bitter feud between New Delhi and Islamabad of over seven decades.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 23rd Aug 2018