Centre rules out total ban on firecrackers

Why it is in news?
  • The Centre on ruled out a national ban on firecrackers and suggested production of “green crackers”  community cracker bursting in major cities and a freeze on production of series crackers or laris as alternative measures to curb pollution during Diwali.
More on news
  • It told the Supreme Court that crackers could even be burst in areas pre-designated by the State governments.
  • The Supreme Court was hearing a bunch of applications seeking a complete nationwide ban on the use, manufacture, licensing, sale, resale or distribution of firecrackers and sparklers of any kind in a bid to combat pollution on an emergency basis.
  • The Union Ministry of Environment submitted a five-page affidavit to the Supreme Court suggesting ways to deal with the pollution problem and chalking out short-term measures to combat pollution during Diwali.
  • The Centre suggested working together with institutions like the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Environment Engineering Research Institute, Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO), CPCB to deal with Diwali pollution.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 22nd Aug 2018